Toper After Burner for 500kg Coffee Roasters

Toper manufactures advanced afterburner systems for reburning the unburned components, toxic gases, smoke, smell and dust particles before being discharged from the exhaust outlet of the roaster.
Toper afterburners provide exhaust air treatment in international EPA standards and fully comply with the worldwide different environmental regulations.
The afterburners developed by R&D department of Toper are successfuly used not only by coffee plants but also by nut roasters, bakeries, molding and dying kiers, document cremation furnaces and heating systems.
Toper manufactures afterburners in different types, capacities and flow rates for the boiler rooms of all kinds of production plants.
Afterburners are priced excluding shipping, if you purchase an afterburner at the same time as a coffee roaster then this is the price you will pay. If you wish to purchase an afterburner on it's own shipping will be charged on top of the above price - and is calculated by Toper at the time of ordering.